Mouse CD59a / Protectin Gene ORF cDNA clone expression plasmid,N terminal OFP tag

Catalog Number:MGB368-NO

NCBI Ref Seq
RefSeq ORF Size
Gene Synonym
Cd59, AA987121, protectin, Cd59a
Sequence Description
Identical with the Gene Bank Ref. ID sequence.
Full length Clone DNA of Mouse CD59 antigen Gene ORF cDNA clone expression plasmid,N terminal OFP tag
Enhanced CMV mammalian cell promoter
Restriction Site
Protein Tag
Tag Sequence
Sequencing Primers
Quality Control
The plasmid is confirmed by full-length sequencing.
OFPSpark Tag Information

OFPSpark is a red (orange) fluorescent protein (excitation/emission maxima are 549 and 566 nm, respectively) derived from DsRed. Possessing high photostability and pH stability, OFPSpark is more than twice brighter than mOrange2. Fast OFPSpark maturation makes it clearly detectable in mammalian cells as early as within 8 hrs after transfection. OFPSpark can be expressed and detected in a wide range of organisms. Mammalian cells transiently transfected with OFPSpark expression vectors produce bright fluorescence in 8 hrs after transfection. No cytotoxic effects or visible protein aggregation are observed. For its monomer structure, OFPSpark performs well in some fusions and protein labeling applications.

Antibiotic in E.coli
Antibiotic in Mammalian cell
Stable or Transient mammalian expression
Storage & Shipping
Each tube contains lyophilized plasmid.
The lyophilized plasmid can be stored at ambient temperature for three months.
Background Information
Protectin, a complement regulatory protein, also known as CD59, or MIRL (membrane inhibitor of reactive lysis) is a small protein that inhibits the complement membrane attack complex by binding C5b678 and preventing C9 from binding and polymerizing. The amino-terminal 25 amino acids represented a typical signal peptide sequence and the carboxy-terminal hydrophobic amino acids were characteristic for phosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins.It was found that the CD59/Protectin antigen is a small protein sometimes associated with larger components (45 and 80 kD) in urine. CD59/Protectin antigen was released from the surface of transfected COS cells by phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C, demonstrating that it is attached to the cell membrane by means of a glycolipid anchor; it is therefore likely to be absent from the surface of affected erythrocytes in the disease paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria.
  • Huang Y, et al. (2006) Defining the CD59-C9 binding interaction. J Biol Chem. 281 (37): 27398-404.
  • Sawada R, et al. (1990) Isolation and expression of the full-length cDNA encoding CD59 antigen of human lymphocytes. DNA Cell Biol. 9(3): 213-20.
  • Philbrick WM, et al. (1990) The CD59 antigen is a structural homologue of murine Ly-6 antigens but lacks interferon inducibility. Eur J Immunol. 20(1): 87-92.
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